Saturday, August 28, 2010
The China Study: A Must Read For Anyone Who Cares About Their Health
You very well have already read this book, or at least have heard about it or know someone who has. T. Colin Campbell authored 'The China Study' 4 years back, and i can not believe it's taken me this long to buy this book; an ABSOLUTE must read for anyone who cares about their health or is concerned for the health of others they love. Upon completion of this book i instantly sent two copies out; one to my father who has heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, among other ailing syndromes, and one to my boyfriend's mother who keeps abreast of all the latest health information.
Throughout this entire book there is cited research on how animal protein causes the vast majority of ailments and disorders that are afflicting our affluent society. There is focus on how greedy (or shall i say corrupt) the dairy industry truly is. He goes into detail on the committee structures (who runs the reviews and research we read about, as well as who creates the nutrient standards of how much fat, carb, protein we should get in our diets) and where they get their funding from (more often than not the pocket of that very industry who will yield financial gain from the results). He shows us how a blind eye is turned to provocative research that would harm the agriculture industry (dairy/meat). As well as how there are 'watch-dogs' for each of these industries to stay abreast of research happening that might harm them, so that they can simultaniously compile a science team to create another round of research that will show great promise for their product. He shows us why (as the public) we don't see all the discoveries, and generally only get a one-sided industry tainted review, and offers thorough cited research to the eye opening effects of eating a plant based, whole food diet (as if you didn't already know that was good for you ;).
If there is one book you should read right now to have a better understanding of why we face so many health problems as Americans, this is the book. I do not care how health conscience you believe you are, or how good your diet is (yes, even you raw foodies!) surely will gain a whole new perspective as you gain insight from this incredible text.
A Grateful Life | All rights reserved.
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