In most of the seminars i lead, i talk about the importance of organic foods. How important it is to know where your food comes from, to avoid GMO's (genetically modified and genetically engineered foods), and to understand the impact these genetic modifications have on our eco systems and to our farmers. In one recent seminar i brought up these few statistics, that as simple as they are really resonated with how easy it can be to bring about change...just by taking the responsibility to buy organic:
'If 10% of Americans food choices were organic, this would eliminate pesticides from 98 million servings of drinking water PER DAY in this country.'
'Organic farming produced the same yields of corn and soybeans as conventional farming, but used 30% less energy, less water, and no toxic pesticides.'
'Organic food may cost 25% more than conventional foods, however it's been proven that it's 25% more nutrient dense than it's conventional counterpart.'
And that's only 3 reasons...just the tip of the iceberg.
If you have not already, I would HIGHLY recommend seeing Food Inc. This film is now available on DVD, and easily rentible through Netflix. It's a beautifully shot and captivatingly narrarated documentary on the industrialization of our food supply. It shows you first hand where and how our food is grown, the conditions in which it is grown, the processing plants and factories that manufacture the foods, and the conditions of the workers and farmers. It brings sight to why it would cost a bit more to buy organic, but also the importance of WHY you would choose organic. My hope is that as people see this film they will learn to better shop for foods that truly are healthy and raised humanely without genetic modifications or hormones and antibiotics, rather than just reading a marketing scheme that the manufacturer supplies that makes the food sound healthy. In seeing the impact that industrialization of agriculture has put on our farmers and our planet, my hope is that YOU, each and every individual, will make changes and better choices daily that inevitably will serve your health, the health of your children, and our ecological system.
It's always eye opening to see a well made film on such an important topic: the foods we put in our bodies daily. I am a firm believer in the concept that you are what you eat. The nature of the food you eat, the history of the food you eat, the vibrancy of the food you eat, and it's esoteric energy penetrate and vibrate in our bodies as well. MEANING quite simply, if you eat food that was raised healthy and happy, you too will be healthy and happy. HOWEVER, if you eat food treated inhumanely that lived a miserable and tragic life, you will carry that poor energy, as that is the nature of what you are eating. This is not to say that everyone should be a vegetarian. I do not claim to be a vegetarian. It simply means know where your food comes from, respect it's life, as what you are eating is now becoming a part of you.
To some that may be a little intimidated to see this film....
I will say at times it can be heart breaking to watch some of the scenes, especially if you are an animal rights activist, or perhaps have a close connection with a farmer whose been through similar situations as the film represents, however it's empowering to fully understand the process of our foods from farmer to plate. I truly would hope and encourage YOU to take the hour and a half to watch Food Inc. It will leave you with a better understanding of how to select healthier foods when you go to the market, and why you would spend the extra few bucks for grass fed, non gmo, organic, and humanely raised foods.
*statistics listed above were taken from the current (Jan 2010) issue of Dr Weil's Guide to Healthy Eating
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