recipes and tips for better living

Friday, January 8, 2010

Shake This: Raspberry Whey Smoothie. A Post Workout Protein Packed Sipper

Forget Jamba Juice. Why pay for a sugar laden shake that's missing the protein your body needs to hold you over and rebuild muscle tears. Here's a satisfying smoothie that will quell your sweet tooth, refuel your body with protein after a workout, hold you over, and best of all it requires very few ingredients and time!

Raspberry Whey Smoothie

1/2 scoop (1/2 serving) Jay Robb unflavored whey protein powder
1 container (6oz) "The Greek Gods" brand PLAIN nonfat greek yogurt
1 1/4 cup organic frozen raspberries (cascadian farms brand is great for organic frozen berries)
3 ice cubes
8 oz water
1 packet stevia

Blend all together well. This will make approximately 30 oz. of shake - perfect for two people.

Each 15 oz serving has 95 calories, 2.5 grams of fiber, and 10 grams of protein - no fat.

Feel free to toss in a couple tbsps of flax seeds when blending - you'll give yourself a great fiber boost and get some healthy omega 3's. (the addition of flax seeds will alter the nutrient values listed above)

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