recipes and tips for better living

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One Love San Diego Event and Beaming Cleanse Day 3

whatchu doin this saturday?  wanna do this with me?  Yes is the right answer!
In yoga, Seva means selfless service.  Moreover, Seva refers to selfless service for altruistic purposes on behalf of, and for the betterment of a Community.  My dear friend, Kim Bauman, is associated with Off The Mat Into The World (OTM), a nonprofit dedicated to Seva and bridging the gap between yoga and activism.  Kim has passionately dedicated the past few months to putting together an amazing yoga event this Saturday Sept 17th in San Diego to raise significant funds to support humanitarian efforts in Haiti.  

Consider this...
What would your day be like without clean water?  What if your home was a tent?  How would you feel if you saw young children on the streets of your hometown with no where to go?  

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Still far from recovery from the aftermath of the devastating January 2010 earthquake, which left over 1 million refugees still living in tents without access to water, food, and health care. Included in this 1 million are children that are growing up without nutrition and no where to call home as not even the orphanages are developed enough to hold them. 

The One Love event this Saturday will not only be an inspirational yoga and musical journey connecting the local community, but an opportunity for you to practice Seva through donation and a supportive, heartfelt presence.  The practice will be lead by 7 of your favorite San Diego Core Power teachers. 100% of the proceeds (donation is $38) will be used directly in the community of Haiti in February 2012 when Kim and her group fly over to serve and volunteer their hearts.  If you can not attend the class this weekend i urge you to find it in you heart to donate here.  One person makes an IMPACTFUL difference.  If every person that read this blog were to donate $38, we could raise over $38,000!!!  Crazy to think, but YOU and YOUR actions make an HUGE difference.  I hope to see you there this weekend.  

For those of you who have been following the beaming cleanse journey i'm so pleased to report that already on day 2 my mind was clear, i was blown away with the abundance of energy i had, and my body was feeling light and UBER flexible.  Perhaps it's the alkalinity working, or the MSM, the e3live, or the mere lack of toxins that make their way into our clean lifestyles.  Yesterday I had one of the BEST yoga practices in a long time.  I was floating effortlessly to and from plank, i felt light and strong, flexible and focused.  Those of you cleansing along with me (or at least polishing up ye' old diet) look into some of these supplements.  They are so great for boosting your green drinks or simply taking supplementally.

Conversely, today has been my hardest day.  I was hungry upon waking and have felt fatigued throughout the day.  Many of my students today were fatigued as well, so not sure if it's just the weather's impact (it's a little grayer today), or if my cleanse is catching up with me and my body is going into conservation mode (more likely the case).

Today's menu from beaming is:

Beaming Juice #1 - celery, cuke, sprouts, lime, ginger (no kale today) 
Superfood Smoothie #2 alkaline and coco water, almond milk, wheat grass, barley grass, chlorella & spiralina greens powder, plant based protein, probiotics, maca

Raw Soup #3 gazpacho made with heirloom tomatoes, avocado, bell pepper, garlic, smoke chilis, jalapenos, sunflower sprouts, and cucumber

Beaming Juice #4 Same as number one with MSM and e3live

immunity elixer #5 coco and alkaline water, lemon, ginger, stevia, camu camu, msm

Rawkin Salad:  kale, red pepper, romaine, sunflower greens, sunflower sprouts and sesame seeds, corn and cashew based dressing (really NUMMY!)

2 teas and triphala

As i mentioned, I woke up fairly hungry this morning (but honestly i wake up hungry every morning).  My stomach was growling.  It wasn't bad, but i definitely wanted more than juice.  I started my day with 2 16oz cups of warm lemon water with the purfiy me tea, taught yoga, then drank my green juice #1...stomach still feeling empty. i go for my superfood smoothie and sacrafice my mid morning pick me up?  

I compromised.  I had half the smoothie in the morning and the second half around 11:30am (These smoothies are so good...I would consider them a dessert packed with stellar nutrients and super foods.  HOLLAH! ).  It was welcomed nourishment but after my next class i was racing home to have lunch (by 2pm).   The Raw Soup has been my go-to lunch, though they've said we can rotate the order of foods/drinks around in the day to have them at whatever times seem more appropriate for us. I stuck to their mould until today when i had my salad for lunch. I probably could have just had half and saved half, but i got so excited to eat it that i couldn't stop!  Before i knew it the salad was gone and i was staring aimlessly into my fridge at the 3 bottles left to consume throughout the day.  

How are 3 bottles of liquid going go hold me over til tomorrow?  It's only 2:30. 

I think i might have started to sweat with fear.  I grabbed a couple of my favorite books on cleansing for motivation to indulge in some quiet time.  The lids fell shut and i was out.  

If only the UPS man didn't have to come today...if only i wouldn't have ordered those cute shoes to wear with my skinny jeans on saturday.  UGH!  

Twenty minutes into my siesta the delivery man was yelling up to me and i was rattled.  Clearly not sleeping now, but i'm still hungry.  I eat half an avocado.  keep busy meredith. I clean the house.  I take yoga.  I'm feeling much better..more in control.  I drive to pick up my next day's 'food' after sipping my last green drink of the day and walking the pug.  It's not even 6:30 yet. All i have left now is my Raw Soup and the immunity elixer.  I think i might make it....

The past two nights i've had half an avo around 8pm. I try not to eat late at night, but going to bed with a gurgly or empty stomach doesn't make for sound sleep for me.  The avo just seems to takes the edge off.  Tonight i'm skipping that avo since i had it after lunch, sipping on tea and trying not to let sugar plums dance in my head.

Three days down now....2 to go.  Yoga feels amazing.  I have already lost a few lbs.  LOVING THAT!  Skinny jeans you are only 2 days a way!  Here's hoping tomorrow is a little easier.


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