recipes and tips for better living

Thursday, January 31, 2013

14 Day Green Smoothie Challenge: Day One.

Consider what may happen if for the next 14 days you replaced one meal or snack each day with a blended green smoothie or blended raw soup?   

Beyond receiving better nutrition daily, the most common side effects may be happiness, vibrancy, a leaner waist, a clearer mind, and a more energetic body.

Are you up for the 
Great Green Smoothie Challenge?

Go as green as you want.  Enjoy as much as you desire.  Sub out just one meal or snack daily, or go big and sub out two meals or two snacks.  You may even take a few days to dine exclusively on your favorite green smoothies until your veggie loving heart is content.

Get your blenders ready...

To participate, inspire others, and be inspired, share your daily smoothie recipes and photos on Facebook and tag @A Grateful Life: Recipes & Tips For Better Living. 

Day 1

Low Sugar Limon-illa SweetPea Warrior:

1 cup vanilla almond milk*
3/4 cup water
2 ice cubes
1 large handful of spinach
1 scoop of Vanilla Sun Warrior Warrior Blend Protein
1 peeled meyer lemon
4 drops of liquid stevia (or a pitted medjool date)
1/4 ripe peeled avocado
optional 1 Tbsp chia seed

Blend all together well in a vitamix or other high powered blender.

*Note, if you do not make your own almond milk, Trader Joe's has a delicious one available in their refrigerated section.  


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