Not all transformations are seen in a side-by-side photo. On the left is who I was 3 years ago as a full time yoga teacher, nutrition educator, and health advocate and on the right is who I am today as a full time Independent Team Beachbody Coach, nutrition educator, and health advocate. Maybe you think I look quite the same...just a little more tired in the first photo. I suppose I do, and you're totally right (i was exhausted), but you're seeing two totally different women.
Let me preface my story by saying I loved what i did in the first photo and i loved who i was, i just was tired and feeling stuck in my life. I love teaching yoga. I love giving. I love giving others the tools to heal and help themselves and I love sharing what I've learned through holistic living and my years of education in food as medicine. It's why I've blogged for 7 years and why I taught yoga full time for 8 years.
Thing is, when you're stuck, your happiness meter goes way down. I didn't feel I had solid direction in my life. I surrounded myself with great people and like-minded yogis, was consistent in my efforts to build my wellness career, but my income wasn't growing no matter how many side jobs and projects I picked up, and as i neared 40 i was wanting more. I also felt stagnant in my personal fitness and wellness habits. I suppose most would say i was 'skinny' or 'average', but I didn't feel strong or sexy or excited about what i was doing anymore. I lost my mojo. I aired confidence externally but in private you'd know I was insanely insecure, mostly with my physical self. Plus i was really tired. I was running from gig to gig to freelance job just to have enough to pay rent. I was working 60+ hours a week, had no savings, and realized i was in what seemed like a somewhat dead-end (though pretty cool) job.
I've had physical transformations in my life, and my body is always changing and evolving, but the transformation I'm sharing with you today is what happened when I stopped settling for my fears and excuses, and stopped pretending like I was being progressive by talking progressively in my yoga classes. I do believe you have to put yourself in a teachers role and teach the thing you are working on to keep yourself accountable, but at some point we still have to ask ourselves if what we're teaching is actually what we're doing. I found that I wasn't. I was teaching self love but practicing self-loathing.
I found my coach on instagram. I related to her so I reached out for help and support. I invested in my health and chose to start coaching because I knew it would put me in the drivers seat and make me take control with a high level of accountability. I committed to going all in, took my first 60 day challenge with her, and I chose to do the ongoing work on myself to overcome my fears & self limiting beliefs. I embraced coaching as a lifestyle, before I embraced it as a business. I pushed my limits, took the tough love, said NO to temptations, and stopped settling for my bullshit excuses. I fully committed to my personal reinvention, no matter how many stumbles or set backs I knew i was going to hit.
It's been three years since i started coaching. In some respects i do the same thing i've always done as a health and wellness advocate, only now i have a completely different level of accountability, community, mentorship, income and a plug and play system that set me up for successful growth in my coaching/wellness career. It is what literally took me from stagnation in my fitness and career to being able to find freedom and build a six figure income over time while doing what I love, helping others, and truly putting my health first. It's introduced me to the mentors and methods that have fostered my physical results and leadership growth & it's provoked my unwavering commitment to work on my health and fitness always. I no longer loathe myself when I look in the mirror. Sure, there will always be things that I want to work on, but I'm so grateful to now have a diverse community and team that has taught me to truly embrace where i am at now, while working toward my next goals: mind, body, spirit, and career.
If my story resonates with you, please connect with me. I read each of my emails every day and answer each one personally. I'm always here for when you're ready to take the next step in your journey, but why wait any longer? I have really fun plans for those who are jumping on my 'Badass Babeboss Bootcamp' this fall (an MMA inspired fitness challenge, nutrition plan, my coaching and mentorship, and an amazing community plus a goal setting program that has helped elevate my life). Email me to simply connect and learn more about coaching, the challenges, and the team, or if you know you want to start your fitness journey on the team CLICK HERE to submit your enrollment today.
{"Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes." Statement of Independent Coach Earnings:}
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