recipes and tips for better living

Friday, October 11, 2013

6 Ways to Create Healthy Habits Without Restrictions

No worries if you missed the last 5 day clean eating challenge.  My next challenge starts in just over a week's time (Oct 21, 2013).  Just enough time for you to use up all the food you already purchased at the store, and start to get more mindful about what you are putting into your grocery cart, your body, and build stellar habits before the holidays hit.  Most people gain an average of 5 lbs around the holidays, so i can't think of a better time to get your best habits in check.  More info at the bottom of this post along with a pumpkin pie smoothie recipe.

6 Ways To Create Healthy Habits,
Not Restrictions

We all struggle with our habits, addictive patterns, and suboptimal choices.  I can openly say i struggle just as much as the next person.  I'm human.  I like things that aren't good for me.  I do things that aren't good for me.  In growing tired of beating myself up over my sour habitual tendencies, i discovered a few techniques that helped me pave the way to a more guiltless and enjoyably balanced life. 

i recently wrote this post for Beaming.  I think it's something we can all resonate with and the tips are easy, maybe even effortless to embrace.

Before you read on, know that it takes about a month to change your habits, so first and foremost be patient with yourself. Instead of focusing on breaking your lackluster habits right now, try out a couple of theses techniques that allow for a more gradual shift.  It might just happen that you lose your bad habits without even trying.

1. Recognize that true health starts from within. 

How many times have you gone on a crash diet, cleanse, or gave up alcohol, chocolate, sugar (even fruit GASP), or did something crazy like ate all meat and fat because you were told it was going to help you lose a little bit of weight quick?  Did it?  And if it did, did it stay off?  If you want to fit into your skinny jeans longterm, you need to start respecting that your physique is a reflection of your internal health and your DAILY habits.  It’s not until you truly respect health from within (and correct your patterns and diet to reflect this), that your outsides will naturally shift into place.  

2. Let go of Perfection & Be Compassionate to Self.

Dismiss the idea that you have to do everything right 100% of the time....even 90% of the time.  Simply do your best to be your best self.  You know what makes you feel good and you know what doesn’t.  Choose that which makes you feel good.  In the event you slip up, forgive yourself.  It doesn’t help one bit to beat yourself up or hold onto guilt for your less than optimal choices.  Depreciating and criticizing oneself in this way only contributes to stress and leads you deeper into a downward spiral.  Rather, dust yourself off and put it behind you.  If it was a food choice that left you less than proud, acknowledge that you make over 200 food choices in a day, and make your next one your best.

3. Crowd Out the Bad with the Good.

This is the best tip I’ve got for you, and really the only one you need.  The more you put the good stuff in, the less room there is for the bad.  Fill up your calendar with friendly dates for a green juice or tea, hikes and yoga classes, and fill up your grocery cart with seasonal produce and sweet fresh fruits, herbal teas, and sparkling water and limes.  The less room you have for junk, the less will go in.  

4. Meditate

I know you don’t have time for meditation, neither do I.  That 10 minutes of your day could be spent on facebook, checking the sports page, or taking a series of flattering self portraits or photos of your dog to share on instagram.  I know.  I do it.  There are a lot of things you could do with 10 minutes of your day, but most likely none as important or transforming as the 10 you sit your duff down on a meditation pillow, close your eyes, and simply tune out to tune in.  I’m not the first to say “those that are too busy for meditation are the ones that need it most”.  If you are new to meditation check out deepak chopras guided meditations.  

5. Journal and become aware of your triggers.

Food Journaling is one of the easiest ways to get familiar with your true patterns.  When i first started journaling it really opened my eyes to how often i put something in my mouth, be it out of boredom, because i was socializing, or simply because i was cooking.  It also made me privy to some pretty indicative patterns in my life (ie: if i drink wine i’ll eat everything in sight, if i skip breakfast or lunch i start munching at 3 and don’t stop til 9, if i don’t get enough sleep i’ll crave and over-eat sweets.)  These were huge for me, and helped me adjust my daily patterns so i could be my best self.  If you’ve never food journaled, all you need to do is keep a little notepad with you and write down what you eat and when you are eating it, as well as any other notes around feelings such as hunger, light headedness, fatigued, cravings, etc.  After a few days you’ll be able to look back at patterns to see where you can make some adjustments.

6. Knowledge is power, and so is your support system.

Surround yourself with others who are striving for similar goals.  Find ‘meet up’ groups on yahoo, workshops by experts at colleges, natural health schools, and yoga studios.  Create a private group on facebook with a group of friends near or far that have similar health interests to start sharing articles and inspirations.  Rent films and buy books that will help inspire you and teach you the why’s behind the shifts you’re making so you can continue to educate those around you.  Consider inviting your friends and family to watch these films with you.  great films to check out:  Food Matters, Food Inc, Hungry for Change.  Great Books:  Super Cleanse, Diet for a New America, Omnivore’s Dilemma, The Skinny Bitch.  AND JOIN MY 5 DAY CLEAN EATING CHALLENGE GROUP!

5 Day Clean Eating Challenge

It's not a cleanse.  It's not about being perfect or eating perfect.  It's simply about being more mindful of your habits and what you put in your body. My private community is for people who are serious about finding their best health and want the accountability and support that a group of like minded individuals offer. You'll love the community support, energy, and accountability.  There is no reason to not participate.  Do not be shy to contact me.  Some of my dearest clients and friends are those i've met via instagram, facebook, or through my blog that i never had met in person.  Anyone is welcome that is willing to commit to the challenge, show up daily in our online forum, contribute, share, and support one another to lift each other higher.

This community is also filled with others who are going through my fitness challenge with me, so it gives you a great opportunity to interface with others who are participating in programs you may be considering, and learn what is working for them in their quest to their best health and fitness.

To join simply message me here or email me at  Invite your friends and family.  The more support you have around you the easier and fun it becomes. 

and drum roll please....

Your Superfood Pumpkin Pie Smoothie:

1 scoop/packet of vanilla shakeology
1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup of pumpkin puree
1 apple
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice and a few dashes of cinnamon
1/2 cup of water and a little ice
optional, a few drops of stevia (it is already sweet though)

Blend, drop in a Spooktacular straw, and enjoy this Fall.

*Shakeology is a high quality, nutrient dense, superfood protein powder with enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics to help balance digestion, and restore daily health.  Use it as your protein supplement, to help curb cravings, to aide detoxification, and support your ideal weight.


1 comment

  1. I loved this post dear.. and this is going viral for sure.. I will be sharing it among my social circle! You have earned a fan in me!


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